Energy annexation, the Israeli crime of pillage, and EU’s international obligations
01 Energy Annexation, the Israeli Crime of Pillage, and Eu’s International Obligations
In line with its commitments to energy transition, environmental protection and its third state obligations, in particular the duty of non-recognition and non-assistance to an illegal situation created by Israel, the EU and the governments of Greece and Cyprus should:
1. Stop the financing of the EuroAsia Interconnector, whose construction inauguration ceremony is to be held in Cyprus.
2. Cancel the feasibility study and remove the EastMed Gas Pipeline from the PCI list.
3. Warn European companies and investors of the legal, economic and security risks of involvement in Israel’s gas projects
4. Reconsider EU investment in the natural gas projects included in the third PCI given their negative impact on climate change and human rights
02 Europe's Energy Needs and the Israeli Occupation
This online session addresses Israel’s theft and exploitation of Palestinian fossil fuel resources and the gravity of violations according to international human rights and humanitarian law. It focuses on the joint energy projects between Israel and Europe, how they will deepen the EU’s complicity with Israel’s violations of international law and how they will deepen the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels putting into question the EU’s ability to meet its climate targets.