“Water as a Basic Human Right” funded by the EU.
Project Partners: Palestinian Hydrology Group.
Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network- Friend of the Earth Palestine
and Friends of the Earth International
Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Tamimi, General Director of the Palestinian Hydrology Group, Abeer Al-Butmeh and Alaa Abuein, PENGON-FoE Palestine coordinators, visited Aqaba Village with the presence of Haj Sami Sadeq head of the Aqaba village council and a number of local councils and institutions, in order to:
• Raise awareness of the right to water , and promote the concept of water right as basic human right
• Discuss the establishment of mechanisms for ownership and protection of water resources within the marginalised communities.
• Empower the marginalized communities on water users’ rights and local authorities’ responsibilities in providing access to clean drinking water.
Also different water activities were made with students from Aqaba Basic School. The students participated in writing slogans related to their water rights on baloons, also painting on the wall in order to highlight their suffering from lack of access to water