The Palestinian Environment Day!

PENGON - Friends of the Earth Palestine has celebrated the Palestinian Environment Day under the slogan “Ending the occupation to protect our environment”.

After hard and continued work from governmental -and nongovernmental organizations, the Palestinian Cabinet of Ministers, announced the fifth of March of each year as a Palestinian Environment Day, to shed light on the violations of the occupation against our environment, enhance awareness and improve people's practices to protect the environment. The Palestinian Environment Day represents a great symbolic event for the state of Palestine. Despite its size,  Palestine is very rich in its biological, cultural and natural diversity. Palestine is also notable for its climatic variability within a small geographical area, and is an important pathway for migrating birds.

PENGON - Friends of Earth Palestine with its members, governmental institutions, other environmental bodies, and schools participated today, 2015-03-05, in celebrating the Palestinian Environment Day, with a demonstration started from the city center of Ramallah and ended at Government Compound. The main issues emphasized during the demonstration was the condemnation of the Israeli violations against our environment (land, people and natural resources). Such violations include    land confiscation for the construction of settlements, military camps, checkpoints, annexation and expansion of the wall that engulfs Palestinian land and communities, in addition to land razing, uprooting of trees, plundering water resources, controlling the  Dead Sea and the Jordan River and deny Palestinian Access to them, setting up hazardous industrial zones, and dumping waste on the Palestinian land.

Take responsibility to stop these violations and enable Palestinians from enjoying safe environment free of occupation!