The Green Cities Project

The Green Cities project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the PENGON-FoE Palestine and its partners.

Reaching out to schools and educating the young generation is a crucial part of the Green Cities project. The Green Cities project aims to build Local Authorities’ capacity to understand and manage the environmental impacts of their work. It will further lay in place infrastructure needs in a specific management area. This will give LA. more time to devote on other good governance projects

PENGON-FOE Palestine  is saddened and outraged by the Israeli attack on the Free Gaza flotilla. Israeli elite navy corps stormed the ships filled with 700 civilians, killing 19 according to reports and injuring dozens.

This marks the latest attack in an escalation of violence and repression against all those standing up against Israeli crimes. From the attacks on the international solidarity activists on board the Free Gaza flotilla – Israel has decided to silence by death or imprisonment all those ready to speak out.

What happened  moves the Israeli attack to a new level: Israel has targeted a Turkish ship in international waters filled with passengers from a dozen countries around the world including people of conscience young and old, aid workers, European MPs and holocaust survivors. Not content with massacres against the Palestinian population, international solidarity is in Israel’s crosshairs now.

People telling the true story, people defying the dictates of Israeli racist and colonial laws have become a threat to Israeli apartheid. Ironically, this brutal attack highlights the strength people can have when they are determined to resist power and injustice.

The Israeli attack was well prepared and according to Israeli news the political establishment had calculated that limited media backlash was less important than keeping the people in Gaza cut off from the world and humanitarian aid.

It is time to end Israeli apartheid, colonialism and aggression now!

Therefore, PENGON-FOE Palestine calls on all activists around the world to hold protests and vigils in memory of the people killed on board the ships. We urge international solidarity groups to work with even more determination to build a strong and effective movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions until Israel respects human rights and international law, and until justice prevails in Palestine.