Following the General meeting of the Friends of the international Earth in Sri Lanka, the Affitanem membership were cancelled from their by law so as what is called “Friends of the Earth Middle East” in the federation. And their membership were canceled permanently, so that we in Pengon- Friends of Earth Palestine the sole representative organization of the Friends of the Earth International Friends in Palestine, we call on all public and private institutions to stop dealing with this institution or any similar normalization institutions claims that represent the Middle East in international fora, which in fact represent only themselves.
There are Offices of the organization resides in Amman, Bethlehem, Tel Aviv and includes people from Jordan, Palestine and Israel. This organization is leading political normalization between Arabs and the tools of the occupiers; they are working to legitimize the presence of colonial settlement and install and looting Palestinian lands, also their resources and Arabic language, and the consecration of "coexistence" between the occupier and people under occupation, under the cover of "the solution towards the environmental problems do not know political boundaries."
Pengon-Friends of the Earth Palestine emphasizes to direct some associations in the field of environment in Palestine to engage the normalization projects with the occupation and settlers that affects negatively on the Palestinian issue and opens a way for some Arab countries to build joint ventures with the occupation as a prelude to normalization with the occupation and deal with him as a partner and not an colonial entity which is infraction of international resolutions. The occupied Palestinian territory is occupied land, by force and violence and blood, and that existing settlements are illegal, and therefore cooperate with the illegal and immoral according to international norms and conventions and treaties. According to the international economic and academic boycott of the occupation and settlement campaigns, besides as the international confession of our rights as Palestinian and international treaties that criminalize occupation.
We in Pengon- Friends of the Earth Palestine call the organizations and institutions of the Palestinian Authority to work aggressively to prosecute and stop the work of these institutions and to take stern action against them, and warn of the consequences of dealing with this institution or similar institutions that play a dubious role and operates under the protection of the common environment, which aims invisibly addresses pushing the Palestinian community in side battles far from the main objective which is the face of the occupation. Thus, we emphasize the counties to boycott and refusal to deal with the normalization because of the dangerously of absence and ignore the responsibility of the occupation in the destruction of the Palestinian environment and plunder our resources and our resources institutions.