1. To be duly registered and operating in the field of environment.
2. Clear record of sanctions.
3. To be working in harmony with the Palestinian national interest.
4. To follow sound financial management systems and conduct an annual audit by a certified auditor.
5. To be an active organisation sine at least two years.
6. To have issued at least one financial report revised by an auditor.
7. To be committed to the goals and objectives of the "Palestinian Environmental NGOs Union".
Rejected applicants have the right to object in front of the General Assembly of the Palestinian Environmental NGOs Union in it's meeting following the rejection decision.
Member fees:
Members reimburse the value of the annual subscription amounting to two hundred USD, or the equivalent in local currency, and must in all cases be paying the annual subscription before the end of the year.
Rights and duties:
1. Member of the Union shall be entitled to participate and vote directly at each meeting of the General Assembly and shall have one vote, also has the right to elect the board of directors and to run election in case of being a member for over a year.
2. Union member entitled to participate in the Union activities and benefit from its services.
3. Member shall pay the membership fees determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
4. terminatied members are obliged to pay their membership fees .
To apply for membership, please fill the following form.